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Welcome to REMISA
Manufacturer of Precision Mechanical Parts for the Metal-Mechanic Industry, Foundries, Sugar Mills, Paper Mills and Oil Industry among others, as well as Hyperbaric Chambers for the Health Care companies and Industrial Diving.
About Us
Quality Policy
Our Customers

Avenida Acacias esq. Arrayanes - Lote 4
Cd. Industrial Bruno Pagliai
Veracruz, Ver. México CP. 91697

Tels: 52+229-981-0788, 52+229-981-0789
52+229-981-0069, 52+229-981-1217
52+229-981-1227, 52+229-981-1207
Fax: 52+229-981-0081, 52+229-981-1237

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